Tsukubai in front of the Shotekian(tea house)

Garden scenery in Summer

Garden scenery of the beautiful autumn leaves in late Autumn

The museum garden which was covered with snow

What's new

Shinagawa Historical Museum reopened on April21,2024.

  • Goods of Shinagawa Historical Museum


Museum hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(No admission accepted after 4:30 p.m.)
Every Monday
(Tuesday when Monday is a national holiday)
New year holiday season
※There may be other temporary closures.


Permanent Exhibition

The permanent exhibition mainly displays Shinagawa-shuku which prospered as the first post station on the Tokaido Road.

Omori Shell Mounds

We exhibition on Omori Shell Mounds where is the birthplace of Japanese Archeology.


In the museum garden, you can enjoy seasonal scenery and Suikinkutsu (Basin).